Noras Blog
I post a few times per week on my blog about various things like teasers and upcoming releases, but I also do character interviews, write mini reviews, and more. Check out these categories of posts:

No Shame Bonus Books
Did you know there are two free No Shame bonus books out? Both are bonus chapters that continue the storyline in the books. The first one is a bonus to No Fear and shows a little more of the puppy play Blake and Aaron like to engage in. You can find No Fear 3.5...
No Shame Audiobooks Are Coming
I'm happy to announce that the No Shame audiobooks are in production. I've found the perfect narrator for this series, Kenneth Obi. He's also done the audiobooks for K.M. Neuhold and Shaw Montgomery/M.A. Innes, so he's familiar with narrating gay romances. Kenneth...
Meet Judah
We've already met Denver from my last MM gay romance The Time of My Life, so now it's time to meet Judah. Judah is a rocker, a Bruce Springsteen-type of singer who wows the crowds with his voice and his entertaining style. However, he struggles to make a music with...
New Cover for No Filter
When my cover designer created the cover for No Filter, we had a hard time finding a suitable cover model for Indy, one of the main characters. Finding cover models for gay romances is a challenge in general, especially if you're looking for a specific type (that...
Meet Denver
If you've read my recent gay romance The Time of My Life, you've already met Denver, one of the two leading men. If not, allow me to introduce you to him. Denver is a twenty-five-year old middle school music teacher, but his dream is to make a career out of...
Grab These Free MM Gay Romances Now!
If you love MM gay romances, you will love this Valentine's day giveaway. Twelve amazing MM authors have come together to offer you fifteen free MM gay romances. This includes my first novel No Filter (No Shame #1) by the way, so grab that while it's free! You can...
The Time of My Life is Live
The planning was to release The Time of My Life on Feb 23, but since the book was ready early, I did a surprise release yesterday. Head on over to Amazon (including KU) to grab this steamy MM gay romance with a sweet HEA. The Time of My Life is a steamy MM gay...
The Story Behind The Time of My Life
I’ve been sharing how I developed the ideas for my books, because readers often ask: “Where do you get all the ideas for stories?” Today, I’ll be talking a little about The Time of My Life, my next gay romance that will be released soon. I actually wrote The Time...
Readers Are Loving Rebel
Rebel was released a week ago, and we're super happy with the positive response to our story of Rebel, the hot, popular gay porn star, and Troy, a commitment phobe, and their journey to love. Here are some snippets from reviews: "When two amazing authors decide to...
One More Day Till Rebel Releases…
It's only one more day until my next book releases: Rebel, the first book in the new Ballsy Boys series. The Ballsy Boys are our fictitious gay porn company in LA and when one of its super stars Rebel meets a sexy man named Troy, both are convinced they can keep it...
No Shame is Released!
I am super happy and excited that No Shame released today. This is the fourth and final book in the No Shame series...though readers are already asking (read: begging) me to write a follow up novella. I *may* be persuaded to do this, if someone sends me some really...
Where Do You Get All The Ideas For Stories? (No Shame Series)
I think this is the question fiction writers get asked most often: “Where do you get all the ideas for stories?” My answer is usually a very short, but unhelpful: “Everywhere.” It is true, though. I do get ideas from stories from everything and everywhere... The...
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