Noras Blog
I post a few times per week on my blog about various things like teasers and upcoming releases, but I also do character interviews, write mini reviews, and more. Check out these categories of posts:

My Plan for 2019
It's that time of year to look both back and forward, so let's indulge for a moment. I'll start with looking back, and then I'll share a little about my plans for 2019. Looking Back on 2018 In 2017, my primary goal was to release my first MM romance. I ended up...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Dec 29)
Welcome to this week’s hot new releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! It's the last one this year, and boy, e've had some amazing deals this year, haven't we? I know my Kindle is heavy, haha. All deals are valid today, Saturday December 29 in the US and...
Marketing MM romances: Cold Sales
This is the second post in what I think will be quite a long series on selling and marketing MM romances, as I try to share what I’ve learned so far. In the previous post, I shared four core principles I use when marketing MM romances, and I think it’s good to...
No Angel is Live!
No Angel went live early today. I wasn't sure how long it would take, since that can differ massively, and what with the holidays and all, so I uploaded this morning. It went live in a few hours, so it's ready for your reading pleasure, haha. If you loved the No...
Coming on Christmas Day: No Angel
I'm super excited to announce a release date for No Angel, the No Shame Christmas romance...and even more excited that it's only TWO days away. Yup, No Angel will release on Christmas Day, December 25th. No Angel is a sequel to the No Shame series, which so far...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Dec 22)
Welcome to this week’s hot new releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! All deals are valid today, Saturday December 22 in the US and most of the time the UK, but they may not be valid tomorrow or in all Amazon stores. Please check the price before buying!...
Core Principles for Selling MM Romances
If you've read the title of this post, you will have realized this topic is not something I can tackle in one simple blog post. Hell, if it were that easy, all MM authors would be wildly successful. Still, on a blog series about writing and publishing MM romances,...
Teaser from No Angel
I sent No Angel, the No Shame holiday romance, off to the editor yesterday, so hopefully, it won't be long till I can release it. I don't have a date planned, since my editor kind of had to squeeze me in after my schedule got thrown out of whack. But I'll keep you...
Readers’ Favorite Holiday MM Romances
It's time for another Listopia post. I love polling the readers in my Facebook group Nora's Nook, and last week, I asked them about their favorite holiday MM romances. Now, of course my book No Angel isn't out yet, haha, so that's not on the list, and I just read...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Dec 15)
Welcome to this week’s hot new releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! We have some wonderful Christmas books, which makes me happy, haha. All deals are valid today in the US, but they may not be valid tomorrow or in all Amazon stores. Always check the...
Three Random Mini Reviews
The downside of traveling to Europe was that it gobbled up a lot of precious time. The upside is that I had plenty of time to read. Let me share a few random mini reviews of some great books I read last week! Risk Aware - Amelia C. Gormley Risk Aware is not for the...
Your #1 Priority as an Author
Let's talk about priorities, because there simply aren't enough hours in the day to do everything we want to do. We have to make choices every day, ever hour even, of what we need to do first, something I know a lot of authors struggle with. So to help you, I want...
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