Noras Blog
I post a few times per week on my blog about various things like teasers and upcoming releases, but I also do character interviews, write mini reviews, and more. Check out these categories of posts:

Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Feb 23)
Welcome to this week’s hot new releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! We have some wonderful books on the list this week, including one of my own, so yay! All deals are valid today, Saturday, February 23, in the US and most of the time the UK, but they...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Feb 16)
New releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! This week's list is bad ass, haha. Seriously, get ready to start clicking! All deals are valid today, Saturday, February 16, in the US and most of the time the UK, but they may not be valid tomorrow or in all...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Feb 9)
New releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! We have some wonderful books on the list this week. All deals are valid today, Saturday, February 9, in the US and most of the time the UK, but they may not be valid tomorrow or in all Amazon stores. Please...
First teaser from Beta’s Strength
I'm working hard on beta's Strength, book five in the Irresistible Omegas series. The plan is still to release later this month. Here's a first sneak peek at the continuation of the love story between Bray, Kean, and Ruari. Please note this is unedited but fully...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Feb 2)
Welcome to this week’s hot new releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! We have some wonderful books on the list this week, including one of my own, so yay! All deals are valid today, Saturday, February 2, in the US and most of the time the UK, but they...
Tips and Best Practices for Book Reviewing
Today, I want to talk about something a little different. It’s a little risky, this topic of leaving reviews for books, because authors talking about reviews is a gray area. So let me start off by saying that this was at the request of one of my readers, not of my...
Where To Start with Book Marketing
Maybe after reading this series on marketing and selling MM romances, you are both excited and overwhelmed about everything you feel like you have to do. That’s completely normal. When I started doing my research before launching my first book, I remember feeling...
Title and Cover Reveal Book Five IO Series
It's time for some exciting news: the title and cover reveal for the next book in the Irresistible Omegas series, also known as "book five", haha. I know many of you have been waiting patiently (or not so patiently, LOL) for the next book, which has taken longer...
Weekly Gay Romance Deals and New Releases (Jan 26)
Welcome to this week’s hot new releases, 99c deals, and freebies in gay romance! We have some wonderful books on the list this week, so yay! All deals are valid today, Saturday January 26 in the US and most of the time the UK, but they may not be valid tomorrow or...
What Makes Readers Buy or Download a Book?
As you probably know by now, I love doing polls in my reader group. I learn tons about my readers and their preferences, but also about trends in the MM romance market and more. My last question to them was this: what makes you buy or download a book? Note that...
How to do an Effective Takeover in a Facebook Group
We're still waist-deep in our series on Marketing and Selling MM romances. Make sure to catch all the previous posts, because I'll keep referring to principles we discussed there. Today, we'll be talking about how to do an effective takeover in a Facebook group....
Kissing the Teacher is Live!
I'm happy to announce that my daddy kink romance Kissing the Teacher has gone live and is now available on Amazon and in KU. You can grab it here! It's the third book in the Valentine's Inc. series, but these are all stand-alone books that are only connected...
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