Noras Blog
I post a few times per week on my blog about various things like teasers and upcoming releases, but I also do character interviews, write mini reviews, and more. Check out these categories of posts:

The Fastest and Slowest Books I’ve Written
I write my books in a program called Scrivener, and one of the fun things is that it keeps statistics about how much you write each day. That means I can see from each of my books how long it took me to write them. Of course, that made me curious one day to see...
Meet the Foster Brothers
Sometimes, the idea for a book starts with visiting a place, like what happened to me when I visited Boston back in 2016. That lead to the No Shame series. Sometimes, it’s a random thing that pops into my head, like the idea for Firm Hand that came to me while...
Deleted Scenes: Yay or Nay?
Before there was Netflix (I know, I’m old, haha), I used to binge-watch a lot of TV series and would have to wait eagerly for the DVD boxes to come out. Two elements were always my favorite: the blooper reel and the deleted scenes. The first was laugh-out-loud...
Why So Many Open Series at the Same Time?
But Nora, why are you starting a new series when you haven’t finished the No Regrets series yet? I’ve been asked this question and variations on it a number of times lately, and so I thought I’d explain a bit to you about how my release planning works. 1....
Cover Reveal Irresistible Omegas Spin Off
OMG, I can’t tell you guys how excited I am to finally reveal this! I’ve been sitting on this news for months, and it was SO hard not to say anything. Many of you have been waiting and waiting for the Irresistible Omegas spin off. I had planned it for 2021, but it...
Mini Reviews
I’m so excited that my website redesign is done! Doesn’t it look all clean and pretty? It also means I can get back to blogging, and of course, we’ll start with a new round of mini reviews. I’ve read some amazing books that I want to share with you. 1. On a...
Mini Reviews
I promised I’d do a new edition of mini reviews weeks ago, if not months, and here we finally are. I’ve read a ton of amazing books lately, so picking four to highlight wasn’t easy, but here we are. These are in random order. 1. Lacuna – N.R. Walker I love starting...
Title and Cover Reveal White House Men 7
I'm super early with this one, but there's a reason for that. Since I'll be taking off almost the entire month of August to travel with my son, I won't be writing. I've worked hard this year, releasing a new book almost every month and also managing and publishing...
Cover and Title Reveal White House Men 6
I'm always excited for the moment I can reveal the title and cover of my upcoming book, and this time is no different. We've made it to book 6 in the White House Men series with only one more book to go after this. If you've followed this series, you'll know we...
New Weekly Poll
One of the things I used to do on my site was a weekly poll. I loved asking all kinds of questions and seeing readers' answers. Unfortunately, the program I used for that stopped being free, and the paid plans were outrageously expensive. But I'm happy to report I...
What’s Next?
Care (White House Men 5) was released last week, so that means it's time for the usual question: what's next? I've already started working on the next book, as always, so let me tell you a little about what my plans are going forward. Upcoming Releases The book...
Interview with Warrick Duvall
This week, I have a special guest. Professor Warrick Duvall is one of the main characters of Care, the fifth book in the White House Men series, that came out last week. Care tells the story of how Warrick fell in love with Kenn Shafer, President Shafer's son. I'm...
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