Writing and Publishing MM Romances

Creating a Buzz Around Your Book

We're still knee-deep (or maybe even hip-deep by now?) in our series on marketing and selling MM romances. Today, we'll talk about creating a buzz around your book, but make sure to read the previous posts in this series first on the core principles of selling MM...

Networking with Other Authors Online

We're still continuing our series on marketing and selling books in the MM romance genre. Make sure to check out the previous posts! Today, we'll be talking about networking with other authors, and honestly, I can't stress enough how crucial this is. If you want to...

The Rule of Seven in Selling MM Romances

This is the third post in a series I'm doing on marketing and selling MM romances, so make sure to read the other posts as well. In the first post, we talked about four core principles for selling MM romances, and in the second post, we discussed the concept of...

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Marketing MM romances: Cold Sales

This is the second post in what I think will be quite a long series on selling and marketing MM romances, as I try to share what I’ve learned so far. In the previous post, I shared four core principles I use when marketing MM romances, and I think it’s good to...

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Core Principles for Selling MM Romances

If you've read the title of this post, you will have realized this topic is not something I can tackle in one simple blog post. Hell, if it were that easy, all MM authors would be wildly successful. Still, on a blog series about writing and publishing MM romances,...

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Your #1 Priority as an Author

Let's talk about priorities, because there simply aren't enough hours in the day to do everything we want to do. We have to make choices every day, ever hour even, of what we need to do first, something I know a lot of authors struggle with. So to help you, I want...

Mastering a Conversational Tone in Marketing

I know I have mentioned the term relational marketing before, because it's at the very core of what I do. A crucial element of that approach is the tone of every message to readers, in whatever form: a conversational tone. Today for Writer Wednesday, I want to talk...

How to Realize Real Growth as an Author

I just returned from a conference in Vegas for self-published authors, and it was a wonderful experience. Three days of full-time lectures was absolutely intensive, but I learned tons. There were various speakers, all with expert knowledge in several areas...

Your X-Factor: The Biggest Challenge for Authors

The writing business has a steep learning curve, especially for newbie self published authors. There's so much to learn, both in terms of writing as in the publishing, marketing, and business side. A lot of is is stuff that's relatively easy to find on Google, but...

Writing With Causal Logic

In school, many of us have learned about logic in a more or less formal way. We learn how to build an argument or how to defend a position, using  logical steps, methods like inductive or deductive reasoning. It's how we were taught to write our essays and papers....

Building a FB Reader Group (2)

In the first post, we covered what a Facebook reader group is exactly and what the underlying marketing principle should be. For this Writer Wednesday topics post, we're gonna go a little more into the practical details.  How to Build a Reader Group I am not going...

Should You Do ARC Reviews?

One of the things many authors struggle with is the question whether to do ARC reviews. If that term is new to you, ARC stands for advanced reader copy, and it simply means that you distribute a copy of your book before the official release date to a small group of...