Nora After Dark Kink and Daddy

Comforting the Grump (Prologue)

This prologue is available to all Nora After Dark tiers. To continue reading early chapters, you will need to be a member of the Contemporary or Paperback Tiers. Trigger Warnings: Please note this story will have mentions of alcoholism, though not from either...

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 9)

⏮Chapter 8 Delton took a steadying breath. “Take off your clothes.” His voice had only wavered a little. He needed to work on his confidence, his dominance. Otherwise, this wouldn’t work. And this time, he didn’t have Isam to back him up, as he was needed at home....

Daddy Down Under (Chapter 7)

If you are new to the Kink/Daddy Tier, this is a WIP. Chapters 1-6 were posted in October and November. To find those, navigate to the main page and choose "After Dark Content", choose "See All" under the proper tier, scroll. I will have Vicki come back and add...

Cover Reveal – Protecting the Nerd

Are you ready for York’s story? I’ve been making great progress on Protecting the Nerd and am so happy with how it is turning out. Photographer: Wander AguairModel: FredCover design: Golden Czermak/FuriousFotog BLURB I’m proud to be a geek.I’m smart, but I’m also...

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 He hadn’t brought up Delton’s meltdown with him. Adar didn’t think it would be smart, seeing as how Delton had never mentioned it or even referred to it. Apparently, he’d rather forget—and Adar could understand that. That had been more than having a good...

Cover Reveal – Creek

I have some thrilling news to share with you today—it's time for the cover reveal of Creek, a collaboration between E.M. Lindsey and me. Creek is the first book in our Honorably Discharged series, featuring a grumpy veteran with a chip on his shoulder the size of...

Daddy’s Pride – Josiah (Chapter 3)

The dim lighting of the private playroom cast shadows across Brody’s face, turning his features into a tantalizing mystery. He was so handsome, with a square jawline, moss-green eyes, and messy dark hair with some silver sprinkled in, but even more than that, he...

What Do You Love About the Bodyguard Trope?

I've just started writing Protecting the Nerd (I'll start posting chapters next week), which will feature York. If you've read the previous books in the Forestville Silver Foxes series, you'll know he's a massive geek but sweet as fuck, if hurting because of his...

Daddy’s PRIDE-Josiah (Chapter 2)

Note: This book is for part of the Dirty Daddies anthology, Daddy’s Pride. You will not be receiving a copy of this book. It will only be published in the anthology. I will post a couple chapters per week. The throb of bass pulsed through the dimly lit expanse of...

Daddy’s PRIDE-Josiah (Chapter 1)

Note: This book is for part of the Dirty Daddies anthology, Daddy's Pride. You will not be receiving a copy of this book. It will only be published in the anthology. I will post a couple chapters per week. Josiah craned his head, cursing his utter lack of height....

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 7)

PLEASE NOTE: this chapter digs a little into Oliver’s trauma and provides a brief description of a sexual assault in a flashback. It also mentions suicide. Oliver had spent a whole week debating it, but in the end, he saw no other way. He’d have to suck it up. If...

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 6)

When Delton opened his door that morning, he wasn’t expecting to see Adar standing there. But he did, looking a little sheepish as he held out a bouquet of wildflowers. Pretty ones too, in all colors of the rainbow. Lupines, different kinds of poppies, cosmos in...