Mini Reviews

Mini Reviews

I’m so excited that my website redesign is done! Doesn’t it look all clean and pretty?  It also means I can get back to blogging, and of course, we’ll start with a new round of mini reviews. I’ve read some amazing books that I want to share with you. 1. On a...

Mini Reviews

I promised I’d do a new edition of mini reviews weeks ago, if not months, and here we finally are. I’ve read a ton of amazing books lately, so picking four to highlight wasn’t easy, but here we are. These are in random order. 1. Lacuna – N.R. Walker I love starting...

Nora’s Mini Reviews: Four Recent Reads

It's time for another edition of Nora's mini reviews. I read some great books lately, so I thought I'd share them with you all. No rhyme or reason to what I read. I just pick whatever I'm in the mood for... Roommate - Sarina Bowen I loved this relatively low angst...

Four Recent Five Star Reads

The wonderful thing about traveling again is that it gives me more time to read. I love reading on a plane. I put my noise canceling headphones on with some relaxed background music or noises, and then I just read... And since I happened to pick some awesome books...

Mini Reviews: Five Five-Star Reads

I haven't done one of these in for-freaking-ever and not because I haven't read any good books lately, so it was about damn time I did another round of mini reviews. No theme here, just a completely random selection of five books that I've read relatively recently...

Nora’s Mini Reviews: Three Recent Five-Star Reads

It's time for a new episode of Nora's mini reviews! I haven't been able to read as much the last few weeks as I had wanted to, though I'm still about to hit 100 books read this year. That may not be a lot for some of you, but considering I'm a single mom who also...

Nora’s Mini Reviews: Four Light and Fluffy MM Romances

The one good thing I'll say about this year is that I've been reading more. Not so much because I've been stuck at home since I work from home anyway, but I did become way more intentional in taking time to rest ands recover. And read. My goal for this year was to...

Nora’s Mini Reviews: Three Low Angst MM Romances

We're finally back with a brand new mini review post! Mini reviews are super short reviews of books I loved, so five star reads in other words. We're talking just a few sentences for the review, not whole paragraphs and an in-depth analysis, haha. And this time,...

Nora’s Mini Reviews: Series Edition

I haven't done mini reviews in a while (the last one was in September, I saw), so it's time for another round. This time, I want to focus on some amazing series that I read recently. Love In O'Leary Series - May Archer I blazed through the Love in O'Leary series...

Three Mini Reviews of Recent Reads

Traveling always means time to read, so I have a fresh batch of mini reviews for you guys for books that were five star reads for me. These are completely personal recommendations! K.C. Wells - Kel's Keeper The build up is slow in Kel's Keeper, a romance between a...

Four Mini reviews of Recent Reads

It's time to share some recent five-star reads in gay romance! It's been a while since I did one of these, so I have a lot of books to choose from. I've had a good reading batch the last months, which always makes me happy. So here are some of my recent five star...