by robmcclel | Dec 28, 2019
All they want is to be safe…and to love Austin, Mack, and Tan have found a safe spot in the deserted farm. They have food and shelter, but what will they have to do to keep it? Unexpected visitors keep showing up, and it becomes harder and harder to tell friends...
by robmcclel | Nov 17, 2019
When one needy boy makes taking it slow impossible… Sivney is determined to take his sweet time to get to know his new lovers, Naran and Lev. After all, they each brought quite a bit of baggage into their relationship and figuring out how they fit together is not...
by robmcclel | Oct 10, 2019
He’s determined to bring two enemies back together…but his own heart gets in the way. When pregnant omega Sivney is asked to take care of a wounded alpha named Naran, he agrees. Naran is combatant, bitter, and determined to keep everyone at a distance, but especially...