Weekly Poll Sept 20

Weekly Poll Sept 20

Last week’s question was: “Which of my characters is your favorite?” That resulted in a very close race, ending in a tie for three characters: Indy, Palani, and Tank. All three got 16% of the votes. Pixie came in fourth with only two votes less, so it really was...
Title Reveal Book 7

Title Reveal Book 7

It’s time to reveal the title of the next book in the Irresistible Omegas series! I know many of you have been waiting patiently (or not so patiently, haha) for the next book to come out, and it’s finally time. I’ve been working hard on this book for...
Kissing the Teacher is Live on Audio

Kissing the Teacher is Live on Audio

Audible took its sweet time, but Kissing the Teacher is live on audio! If you love sexy and emotional daddy kink, you’ll love this book…and the narration by Kenneth Obi is perfection! Grab the US version here Grab the UK version here Blurb for Kissing the...