Cover Reveal Smolder

Cover Reveal Smolder

I’m excited to officially announce I’m back at work on Smolder, the second book in the Ignite series. It took way longer than I had hoped or planned before picking this series back up. It started out with the characters not cooperating, and after that, I...

Weekly Poll 29 Nov.

It’s time for our weekly poll! And my apologies for last week’s gaffe because I put an old link in my newsletter. As a result, we had way fewer votes, ouch. Totally my bad. Let’s not do that again this week, haha. Last week, the question was...
Coming Soon: Kinky Boys!

Coming Soon: Kinky Boys!

We know, you guys have waited for this for a while. We both had some solo projects we wanted to finish, but now Kyleen Neuhold (K.M. Neuhold) and I are proud and excited to announce we’ve started working on the Kinky Boys series, a spin off series from our...
Nora’s Mini Reviews: Series Edition

Nora’s Mini Reviews: Series Edition

I haven’t done mini reviews in a while (the last one was in September, I saw), so it’s time for another round. This time, I want to focus on some amazing series that I read recently. Love In O’Leary Series – May Archer I blazed through the Love...