Audible Sale for Members

Audible Sale for Members

Audible is having a fantastic sale…but it’s for members. All audio books are now 50% off, which means that you can get the entire No Shame Box set (that’s 40+ hours) for just $15, for example…a steal! I’ve listed my audio books below, so...
Cover Reveal Ballsy (Kinky Boys book 1)

Cover Reveal Ballsy (Kinky Boys book 1)

We know. You guys have had to wait a loooooong time before we (K.M. Neuhold and me) finally started working on the Kinky Boys, the spin off of our Ballsy Boys series. We both had other series and projects we needed to wrap up first. But…it’s time. We...
Weekly Poll 6 Dec

Weekly Poll 6 Dec

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for a new poll! But first, let’s look at last week’s results. Last week, I asked you guys this: “What profession do you like for the main characters?” For the first time, you guys could put in your own...
17 FREE books!

17 FREE books!

If you love MM romance s with an age gap and/or daddy kink, you’ll love this giveaway: 17 FREE books, now available through Prolific Works/Instafreebie. This giveaway is to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Daddy & Age Gap kink books group on...