Weekly Poll 17 January

Weekly Poll 17 January

It’s time for another weekly poll! Last week, I asked what subgenre within MM romance you guys liked most. The results confirmed what we saw the week before as well: you guys are a bunch of kinky fuckers, haha. Well, that makes sense if you love my books, I...
Audiobook Plans for 2020

Audiobook Plans for 2020

One of the things I want to focus on in 2020 is catching up with my backlist on audio. The No Shame series is out, as well as Firm Hand, Gentle Hand, Ignite, and Kissing the Teacher, but my goal is to work through the whole back list. All books will be narrated by...
Daddy is Releasing Tomorrow

Daddy is Releasing Tomorrow

In case you missed it: the first book in the new Kinky Boys series, Daddy, will release tomorrow. Wanna take a wild guess what the book is about? LOL. If you’ve guessed daddy kink, you’re right on the money. The Kinky Boys series is a spin off from our...
Weekly Poll 10 January

Weekly Poll 10 January

Last week’s poll showed you guys are a bunch of kinky fuckers, haha. I was curious if you all liked taboo romances, and the answer is yes, you do! And the preferences are clear as well. Let’s have a look at the results. MMM+ romances were the first choice,...