Weekly Gay Romance Deals (February 22)

Weekly Gay Romance Deals (February 22)

Weekly deals are now available at noralinks.com, a dedicated website made specifically for my weekly deals post.  You can read more about that here. This is not a paid list or ads, but simply deals I’ve found and books I’m excited about reading, so all personal...
Weekly Poll 21 February

Weekly Poll 21 February

Another week has flown by, which means it’s time to ask your guys’ opinion on another poll! But first, let’s look at last week’s result. Last week, I asked if you guys would mind me sending out an extra newsletter when a book of mine went live....
Cover Reveal Perfect Hands Book Four

Cover Reveal Perfect Hands Book Four

Master Ford’s story is coming! If you’ve read Firm Hand, Gentle Hand, and Naughty Hand, you’ll remember Master Ford. He’s a Dom and he was Rhys’s mentor. Now it’s time to hear/reads his story, and it’s gonna be a wild one!...
The Weekly Deals Have Moved

The Weekly Deals Have Moved

I’ve been doing the weekly deals for almost two years now, and even though I love listing these each week, it’s a lot of work for me and my PA, Vicki, who does most of the set up. The way we did it up till now worked, but it was a lot of work since we had...
Weekly Poll 14 February

Weekly Poll 14 February

Let’s start with last week’s results! I asked you guys what book you’d love me to write next. I had also asked that question in my FB group, and I’m happy to report the results are almost identical: Master Ford’s book won with the next...