After Dark Content

Comforting the Grump (Chapter 2)

⏮ Comforting the Grump (Chapter 1) Ennio I pushed open the door to Giovanni's, the jingle of the small brass bell announcing my arrival like a fanfare suited for someone far more important. The scent of garlic and oregano wrapped around me like a warm embrace from...

Protecting the Nerd: Signed Paperbacks

Hey! Vicki (Nora's PA) here. Just a quick note that the signed paperbacks will be sent out when Nora returns from her trip abroad. The books did not arrive until after she had left. Very sorry about this, but unfortunately Amazon printing doesn't always run as...

Comforting the Grump (Chapter 1)

⏮ Comforting the Grump (Prologue) Trigger Warnings: Please note this story will have mentions of alcoholism, though not from either of the MCs but from a parent. It’s only described in some detail in the prologue, but it is mentioned occasionally. There’s also...

Comforting the Grump (Prologue)

This prologue is available to all Nora After Dark tiers. To continue reading early chapters, you will need to be a member of the Contemporary or Paperback Tiers. Trigger Warnings: Please note this story will have mentions of alcoholism, though not from either...

Comforting the Grump: Developing the Core Story

⏮ Comforting the Grump: Creating Ennio’s Character We’re at the fifth and last post about developing the characters and story for Marnin’s book. Make sure to read the previous posts first! And as before, a heads up for spoilers in this post. Among authors, there’s...

Comforting the Grump: Creating Ennio’s Character

⏮Picking a Partner for Marnin Make sure to read the previous posts first, where I explain what we’re doing in these posts and where we’ve explored Marnin’s character and background. Warning: if you hate spoilers, skip these posts. I can’t prevent spoiling some...

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 9)

⏮Chapter 8 Delton took a steadying breath. “Take off your clothes.” His voice had only wavered a little. He needed to work on his confidence, his dominance. Otherwise, this wouldn’t work. And this time, he didn’t have Isam to back him up, as he was needed at home....

Comforting the Grump: Picking a Partner for Marnin

⏮Comforting The Grump: Creating Marnin’s Character When I started developing the Forestville Silver Foxes series, I had the core plot for five books: Tiago, Auden, Tomás, York, and Marnin. And I had their partners picked out already too. When you develop a...

Daddy Down Under (Chapter 7)

If you are new to the Kink/Daddy Tier, this is a WIP. Chapters 1-6 were posted in October and November. To find those, navigate to the main page and choose "After Dark Content", choose "See All" under the proper tier, scroll. I will have Vicki come back and add...

Comforting The Grump: Creating Marnin’s Character

Make sure to read the previous post first, where I explain what we’re doing in these posts. I’m giving you a behind the scenes look into creating the next Forestville book! Warning: if you hate spoilers, skip these posts. I can’t prevent spoiling some things I have...

Join Me as I Write the Next Forestville Book

I thought it would be fun to show you a little behind the scenes on my process to write books. Since I’m starting on the next Forestville book (Marnin’s story!), I figured the timing would be perfect. So I’m gonna take you along in my process of creating a book so...

Cover Reveal – Protecting the Nerd

Are you ready for York’s story? I’ve been making great progress on Protecting the Nerd and am so happy with how it is turning out. Photographer: Wander AguairModel: FredCover design: Golden Czermak/FuriousFotog BLURB I’m proud to be a geek.I’m smart, but I’m also...