After Dark Content

Daddy Down Under – Chapter Six

Chapter 6  Where the presidential suite is presidential indeed and Ocean has an opinion on my underwear. The presidential suite looked fit to receive a king. The opulence was staggering, even to someone accustomed to luxury like myself. Sunlight streamed through...

Daddy Down Under – Chapter Five

Where I discover Australian bathrooms differ from American ones and Ocean makes use of it. And of me. By the time we deplaned, I was still confused. I was also still half hard, but my suit jacket hid that, thankfully. As we walked through the terminal, the energy...

Dragon’s Revenge – Chapter 24

Chapter 24 “How did it go with Duff?” Oliver asked when they were having dinner that evening. Delton had made lasagna, and the three of them were at the dinner table. Adar was still tired, despite a two-hour nap, and the chair was anything but comfortable for his...

Dragon’s Revenge – Chapter 23

Adar’s recovery was progressing nicely, though the alpha himself didn’t agree, much to Delton’s amusement. He’d never figured Adar to be impatient, but the man sure as hell was now, eager to get out of bed and return to normal life. He’d been discharged from the...

Daddy Down Under – Chapter Four

Chapter 4 Where I’m frustrated because I still don’t understand the game we’re playing…and then Ocean surprises me with yet another move. My existential crisis in the lavatory had at least one positive effect: my erection was gone. That had solved my immediate...

Daddy Down Under – Chapter Three

Chapter 3 Where Ocean plays a game I don’t know the rules of. He confuses the hell out of me. "We kindly ask you to pay attention to the following safety demonstration, even if you're a frequent traveler, as each aircraft is different." I tuned the audio of the...

Daddy Down Under (Chapter Two)

Chapter 2 Where the universe gifts me a most unexpected gift, delivered straight into my lap. Goodbye, boredom. So far, traveling to Melbourne had not miraculously cured me from my ennui—not that I had expected it to. Here I was, sitting in the relatively comfy...

Daddy Down Under – Chapter One

Trigger Warnings This book deals with some sensitive subjects, including rejection by a parent, homophobia, growing up with a parent who was addicted to drugs, death of a parent due to an OD (off page), and betrayal by a friend. All of this happened in the past and...

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 22)

⏮ Dragon's Revenge (Chapter 21) The day after Rhene had come back, he’d called a pack meeting, and other than Adar and Lucan, who were keeping an eye on him, everyone was present. Well, not everyone since they always had security guards walking the perimeter, but...

Audiobooks Information

You can get Rescuing the Writer (Forestville Novella) for free during a Bookfunnel promotion. And several more titles. Visit: Also, look for your copy of Celebrating the Season by tomorrow! Hugs, Nora...

Cover Reveal Comforting the Grump

It's time to reveal the cover of Comforting the Grump! Releasing direct on 3 January - 16 January. Available at Amazon and KU 17 January. Cover Design: Golden Czermak/FuriousFotog Cover Photo: Paul Henry Serres Cover Model: Phillippe L Blurb I don’t do emotions or...

Dragon’s Revenge (Chapter 21)

⏮ Dragon's Revenge (Chapter 20) Adar slowly awoke, his eyes blinking against the soft light that filtered in through the drawn curtains. The first few times he’d woken up, he’d been disoriented, but by now, he knew where he was. In the clinic, in a room, with his...