One of the things I used to do on my site was a weekly poll. I loved asking all kinds of questions and seeing readers’ answers. Unfortunately, the program I used for that stopped being free, and the paid plans were outrageously expensive. But I’m happy to report I found an alternative that’s affordable and that also allows me to build fun polls. Look, it’s even pink!
So without further ado, here’s the first new weekly poll (well, I still have to see if I can make it weekly, but optimistic than I am, let’s assume so, haha)
As to the question about whether a book needs to grab your attention immediately, it depends on the author. If it’s someone I know, I definitely will give a book a chance to build the storyline. Actually, in 65 years, I can only remember 2 books I didn’t finish. The one, I got to the point I just didn’t like the hero or heroine, and didn’t care what happened to them. The other one was too convoluted and just not my taste.
I very rarely find books that I don’t finish. Sometimes it takes a while to get into a story,but,if you keep reading, some of these stories can turn out to be absolutely brilliant.
Polls are fun, and this one was cute, too.
It is not too often that I find I do not want to continue on when reading a book. I do enjoy a book when in the first paragraph I am intrigued and want to carry on reading. I also thoroughly enjoy series books. I like to journey with the characters as they discovered themselves.
If a book isn’t grabbing my attention I usually leave it and return at another time as I have found it’s usually because I’m not in the right head space for the story
I hate leaving a book unfinished and I can only remember a few times I have done it in 45 years of being an avid reader. When I do encounter a book that I think is not so great, I generally complain to my family about how bad it is but I just can’t leave it unfinished, then my teenage daughters look at me weird, my husband just shakes his head. ?
Life’s too short to waste on a book that’s not working for me, especially with a TBR pile as high as mine! Sometimes I’ll set one aside for later, but if it’s just a total slog, or is depressing the hell out of me, or has gone off on a tangent that isn’t engaging, then I won’t finish it. There are too many good books out there to read or re-read, so why torture myself?
I have phases when I read a lot, but then there are times when I don’t read at all for a few days. So I always find it difficult to name an average. But I’m happy to see the polls back. I love taking surveys 😀