What’s Next?

Care (White House Men 5) was released last week, so that means it’s time for the usual question: what’s next? I’ve already started working on the next book, as always, so let me tell you a little about what my plans are going forward.

Upcoming Releases

The book I’ll be releasing next is the Dirty Daddies Pride Anthology, which will come out June 25th. Make sure to preorder it!

I also have several translations coming out:

  • 16 June: Enflammer – French translation of Ignite, preorder here.
  • 19 June: Levs Gehorsam – German translation of Alpha’s Obedience (Das Hayes Rudel 7), preorder here.
  • 25 June: Ranger – Italian translation of Ranger, preorder here.
  • 26 June: Une Main de Fer – French translation of Firm Hand, preorder here.
  • 26 June: Burkes Veränderung – German translation of No Surrender, preorder here.
  • 3 July: Sivneys Macht – German translation of Omega’s Power (Das Hayes Rudel 8), preorder here.

Next English Release

My next English release will be…White House Men 6. I’m already 25k into this book, and man, I’m having fun. Our next pairing will be Branson aka SpookyBigDick and the nerdy forensic accountant, Ryder. Branson is a player, flirty, social, and easy going. Ryder is a major geek and social skills are not his strong point…but he’s no pushover, much to Branson’s surprise. These two are well-matched as they butt heads. Who will win?

I’m not gonna spoil too much yet, but buckle up for a wild ride. We’ll also get a lot of answers in the suspense plot…

Stay tuned for a title and cover reveal soon! The expected release date is early August. I’m expecting to release the seventh and final book in this series in September.


  1. Gordon Hall

    I’ve already emailed you on this subject. You have really now confirmed your status as a “super-bitch”. Keeping us waiting until August to know who’s behind the assignations. I have my theories but I won’t say here. One thing I do know there’ll be a lot of “dicking around” ? before we find out.
    As for Netherlands in the Euros, you’re going down, The only problem is it won’t be from beloved Scotland ??????? or my adopted country, Spain ??. Neither are doing very well. So, given that and even although your a Dutch super-bitch” I will say “ veel succes om zo ver mogelijk te komen in de Euro 2020.” I lived in Amsterdam for a year and worked in Den Haag in 1981.

  2. Ali

    Had a feeling it would be those two next lol. Can’t wait to find out who’s behind everything. Got a few ideas just have to see if I’m right.


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