Submit a German Release or Deal

If you’re familiar with Noralinks, my weekly deals, you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve set something very similar up for German translations so we can market to German readers more effectively. Every Saturday, I’ll update the listings on and put one new book in the spotlight (Scheinwerfer), list new releases (Neuerscheinungen), and deals (Angebote). Deals mean any kind of discount that’s available on at least Amazon DE.

You can submit a German book using the form below. Please make sure your book fits the requirements:

  • I only list MM romances, no MMF or any other combination. That’s no judgment of any kind, but I write MM so that’s what I focus on. MMM+ is no problem, of course, considering I write it myself, and I do list every subgenre within MM. It has to be a romance, though, meaning books that focus on a romance and that have a happy ending. Dark romance is fine as long as it has a happy ending. If it’s an open ending, chances are I won’t list it.
  • The book has to be live on Amazon DE. I can’t list any other stores, since my site automatically pulls data from Amazon.
  • I will list a preorder once and then list it again if it goes live, unless the preorder date and release date fall in the same week.
  • A book has to be released in the last four weeks to be considered for a new release.
  • A book has to be professional looking in terms of cover and blurb.
  • For this listing, I will accept all lengths. Just make sure to list the word count on the form.

For now, listings will be free. Please help me spread the word by bringing the website and the Facebook page to the attention of your German readers.

Submit a Book for MM Romance Auf Deutsch