No Shame is Released!

I am super happy and excited that No Shame released today. This is the fourth and final book in the No Shame series…though readers are already asking (read: begging) me to write a follow up novella. I *may* be persuaded to do this, if someone sends me some really good Belgian chocolate, lol.

Seriously, I know it sounds strange and maybe a bit like bragging, but I am super proud of myself for finishing this series. It started as an idea of a guy on the run for his mobster ex…and that idea turned into four books.

I knew I wanted to release them back to back, but that’s easier said than done. the last couple of months have been insanely busy, but I did it…and i would do it again in a heartbeat. What an amazing ride this has been, both with my characters, as with my author friends, and especially my readers.

I’m so honored that readers took a chance on an unknown author and fell in love with Indy and his chosen family as much as I did. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will love No Shame and that it will make you as happy as I was to see Indy have his happy ever after, surrounded by the men he loves.

Grab No Shame here!

No Shame cover


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