The Book that was Supposed to be a Standalone

Many of us MM romance authors love series, and I’m no exception. In fact, some of my series became much longer than I had planned, the Irresistible Omegas being the prime example. Originally, I’d planned three books…which turned into ten and now the spin off already has five books as well.

I have some series that went according to plan. The White House Men series, for example, was always planned to be seven books. The Foster Brothers was supposed to be four books, though I did add a prologue, and the 47 Duology was two books from the start. Though, again, I did add a bonus novella… And I did the same with the No Shame series, which was planned as four and got a bonus novella as well. Hmm, am I seeing a theme here? LOL

But there’s one series I wrote that was never meant to be a series. I got the idea for the first book and planned it as a standalone gay romance, not a series. But readers kept asking for the story of a side character, and so I wrote that. And then there was another side character who needed a story and suddenly, I had a series on my hands.

Any idea which series I’m talking about?

It’s the Perfect Hands series. Firm Hand was never meant to be the first in a Daddy kink series. I had the idea for this book while traveling through Australia, and it was planned as a standalone. But then everyone fell in love with Raf and Daddy Brendan and wanted to read how those two found each other, so I write Gentle Hand and Naughty Hand, a holiday-themed novella.

Master Ford appeared in all of those books, and now readers were asking about him, so I had to write his story. Well, the series now has six books and honestly, I may even write a seventh and/or eight. I really love Daddy kink, and I have sooooo many more ideas for books. Isn’t it funny how characters seem to have their own plans sometimes? All we can do as authors is just go with it…


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