If you’re an author or an aspiring author, you may have been following my Writer Wednesday posts (though they have been sorely lacking lately, sorry…this Corona thing is kicking my butt) about writing and publishing MM romances. Well, things got a little too confusing, mixing stuff for my readers with things for other authors, so I’ve decided to separate the two. I’ve also decided to widen my publishing and writing advice and include other genres as well.
From now on, you can find all my writing advice on my new website: #IWroteThis. It may be a funny name, but head on over to the new website to see the story behind that name because it’s pretty cool. And if you’re an author or an aspiring author, make sure to sign up for my newsletter there. You can also join my new Facebook group for #IWroteThis and like my Facebook page.
I’m excited about this step, and I look forward to serving and mentoring others in their journey to become a successful indie author.