We skipped one last week, but we’re back with a new weekly poll. First, let’s look at the results of the last one, which was from two weeks ago. The question was: “What setting would you love to see more of in MM romance?” You guys had some cool ideas!
Lesser known US states ranked highest, followed by small town US. Small towns are always popular. I love reading them as well, though I haven’t written one myself. Hmm, maybe I should, haha! The next two options were pretty close, a European setting or in the UK, and then we have another few that are pretty much on the same level. Lesser known states, huh? I’d better get on that…
This week’s poll is about something else entirely. I wanted to call it “What’s your preferred length?” first, but knowing all your dirty minds, I figured that would give the wrong impression, LOL. So let’s put it like this: “What’s Your Preferred Book Length in MM Romance?”
[crowdsignal poll=10516743]
I can recommend Maine.
I voted anything longer than a novella because it depends on how much an author has to say I guess. That said, I adore long books as long as they are well written with great stories
I voted for medium length books because if I am really enjoying a book I can’t put it down until I have finished it and I need my sleep! Also with medium length books the story line is not too drawn out and gets to the point quicker.
Taken that it is well written, a book can’t be long enough so I say Super Size Me! And therefore … I can’t wait for Master Ford. (insert biggest smile in the world here) :-))))))))