One-Year Publi-Versary: Let’s Party!

On October 26 2017 I published No Filter, my first MM romance…and also my first fiction book. Before that, I’d published non-fiction under a different name, bit self-published and traditionally published, but never fiction. That all changed last year and it’s been one hell of a ride since. 

I’m a firm believer in celebrating your successes, no matter how small in comparison to others, and I’m sure as hell celebrating this one. Ever since that first book, I releases twelve more (including one novella and three co-authored books) and I’m damn proud of that.

When I started a year ago, I couldn’t have dreamed of where I am today. I;m beyond grateful for each and every one of you who has supported me in this journey!

So now let’s party!

I’ve invited some author friends to hang out in my reader group tomorrow and Sunday, and look at this line up! This will be epic…

Join Nora’s Nook on Facebook now so you don’t miss out on any of the fun! There’s will be games, lots of new authors and books for you to discover, and of course TONS of giveaways you can win…

I hope you’ll all come and hang out with me!


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