Title Reveal for The Next Irresistible Omegas Book

Alpha's Sacrifice teaser

Even before I released Alpha’s Sacrifice, I started working on book two in the Irresistible Omegas series. After all, I knew I left readers hanging at quite an…important moment, haha. More like, about-to-get-super-steamy moment, but yeah.

Seriously, of course the story had only gotten started with the first book, and I wanted to get the second book out as soon as possible. There’s so much more to tell about Lidon, Palani, Enar, and Vieno, but also about the Melloni gene, the corruption, drug trials, and more. I’m having a blast writing this!

Title reveal

I’m excited do the reveal the title for book two in this series (though if you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you already knew…):

Alpha’s Submission

In Alpha’s Sacrifice, we saw both alphas (Lidon and Enar) making sacrifices to create the foursome… In Alpha’s Submission, that will continue, as all four will find their place and role in their dynamic. Expect sexy times (yay!) and romantic moments, but also suspense, some surprising revealings, new characters, and emotional struggles.

Expected Release Date

I’ve been writing my ass off the last weeks on Alpha’s Submission, and I’m content with the progress I’ve been making. I’m now confident I can make a second-half of May release happen. That should make you all happy! I can’t get more specific than that right now, but it shouldn’t be too long.

My designer Vicki Brostenianc is working hard on the cover, but as usual, I’m not making it easy for her. We did, like, forty revisions or so on the cover of Alpha’s Submission, haha. I’m a perfectionist…and so is she, so that makes for a lot of details we pay attention to. The good news is that I absolutely loved that cover, so I have every confidence the new one will be brilliant as well. I’ll keep you posted!

If you haven’t read Alpha’s Sacrifice yet, now’s a good time!


  1. Jaime

    Hi Mrs Nora Phoenix!!
    I love your book Alpha’s Sacrifice…. I’m waiting to see what’s next in Irresistible Omegas ¿I wanted to ask how many books you plane for this series?

    • Nora

      I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you. I honestly don’t know how many books the series will have, but at least five, I’d say…

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